The Township of Laurentian Valley has experienced steady growth over the past years. Here are some key developments and features that have strengthened our growth:
- Increase in residential development
- Growth of the commercial power centre located southeast of the City of Pembroke
- Reopening of Roseburg Pembroke MDF (medium density fibreboard plant in LV)
- Reinvestment and growth in commercial development in the area along County Road 51 stretching westward from the boundary with the City of Pembroke, towards the Town of Petawawa and along Highway 148
Reasons to invest in LV:
LV is a great place to invest, start a business, and grow. Here are some key reasons more and more developers are looking to our municipality for new opportunities.
Garrison Petawawa is located in the adjacent Town of Petawawa and many serving members live in LV. Close commuting distance to Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) facilities in Chalk River and Deep River also make LV an attractive place to live.
Algonquin College Pembroke Waterfront Campus in the adjacent City of Pembroke offers a great opportunity to obtain talent and acquire certification.
Highways 17, 41 and 148 all run through the Township making it an easy to access location for opportunities.
LV offers an easy comfortable living by offering amenities and access to everything urban all while having access to an outdoor playground for all things rural.
Our willingness for growth and abundance of available land including full municipal services, make LV a highly attractive and sought after location for diverse and varied residential and commercial developments.
Our economic development benefits from the surrounding communities as opportunities complement businesses and services in this strong, healthy, and vibrant municipality. Please refer to our Business Opportunities page for available investment options.
What's happening in LV
Stay up-to-date with our community. There is a lot going on for businesses and organizations and here's what you need to know:
Helpful resources:
Where urban amenities meet outdoor rural fun.
LV is home to easy comfortable living.