What is a Zoning By-law?
A Comprehensive Zoning By-law divides a municipality into different land use zones, with detailed maps. The by-law specifies the specific permitted uses (e.g. types of commercial, agriculture, residential, etc.) and the required standards in each zone (e.g. building size and location). It also includes general provisions and definitions that apply to lands in all zones.
While an Official Plan sets out the municipality's general policies for future land use, the Zoning By-law puts the plan into effect and provides for its day-to-day administration. The By-law contains specific requirements that are legally enforceable. Any construction or new development that doesn't comply with the Zoning By-law is not allowed, and building permits cannot be issued/approved unless they comply with the zoning.
Comprehensive Zoning By-law 08-04-391
[Comprehensive Zoning By-law 08-04-391] of the Township of Laurentian Valley was passed on April 9, 2008 and is a by-law that regulate the use of lands and the character, location and use of buildings and structures within LV. There have been various amendments to the Zoning By-law since it was first passed. In reviewing the zoning maps, you may find it helpful to first locate your property using the County of Renfrew online GIS tool. You can then compare the map of your property location with the zoning map schedule. Please note, that the zoning map schedules do not include the shapes of all lots on the maps as the zoning often applies to an area rather than a specific property parcel. Additional lots may have been created or merged since the map schedules were created.
While every effort is made to ensure that all by-law amendments have been included in the [Office Consolidation], it is provided for convenience purposes only and will also not include any amendments which may be pending. If you require this document in an alternate format, please contact us requesting a copy. Should you require further confirmation of certain zone provisions or the specific zoning of a particular property, please contact the Township Planning Department for assistance at 613-735-6291.
Supporting Documents
Zoning Bylaw 08-04-391, as amended |
Schedule A1, Geographic Alice Township |
Schedule A6 to A15, Geographic Alice Township Insets |
Schedule A2, Geographic Fraser Township |
Schedule A3, Geographic Pembroke Township |
Schedule A16 to A19, Geographic Pembroke Township Insets |
Schedule A4, Geographic Stafford Township |
Schedule A5, Geographic Stafford Village |
List of By-laws Amending Comprehensive Zoning By-law 08-04-391
A listing of the By-law numbers that amend [Comprehensive Zoning By-law 08-04-391] is provided for convenience to assist with your review. This list may not be exhaustive and/or amendments may be pending that have not yet been posted. Should you require further confirmation of certain zone provisions or the specific zoning of a particular property, please contact the Township Planning Department for assistance at 613-735-6291.
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