Outdoor skating is one of LV's greatest winter treasures. We are fortunate to have 3 outdoor rinks available in our community:

  1. Alice and Fraser Recreation Centre
  2. Shady Nook Recreation Centre
  3. Stafford Park

All of our rinks are volunteer led and managed and we thank them for their continued efforts throughout the year! Each rink is a bit different therefore we encourage you to learn more about each rink below. Please note that the rinks are subject to various open and closure dates/times weather permitting. We recommend following us on Facebook to be best informed. 


Alice and Fraser Recreation Centre Outdoor Rink

1 Henan Road
Laurentian Valley, Ontario, Canada
K8A 6W8

  • Official size with concrete pad
  • Lighting 
  • Change rooms
  • Ice rentals range from $60 per hour plus HST which includes access to indoor change rooms, hockey nets and a resurfacing of the ice.  
  • Free use of the rink is permitted unless otherwise booked or closed for maintenance.
  • The outdoor rink has a concrete surface and is available for use in the summer for rollerblading, ball hockey, etc.
 Rental Inquiries

 Merrill Behm

 613-732-8404 or 613-639-0025

Shady Nook Recreation Centre Outdoor Rink

80 Richardson Crescent
Laurentian Valley, Ontario, Canada
K8A 6W5

  • Official size with concrete pad
  • Lighting
  • Change rooms
  • Ice rentals starting at $75 plus tax for day time or $200 plus tax for night time (includes lights) per hour and includes hockey nets (if needed) and a resurfacing of the ice. Discounts are available for tournaments.  Access to indoor change rooms is an additional $50 plus tax.
  • Free use of the rink is permitted unless otherwise booked or closed for maintenance.
  • The outdoor rink has a concrete surface and is available for use in the summer for rollerblading, ball hockey, etc.
 Rental Inquiries

Laura Demont



Stafford Park Outdoor Rink

641 Third Ave South
Laurentian Valley, Ontario, Canada
K8A 6W5

  • Change rooms
  • Lighting
  • Ice rentals include use of the dressing rooms, hockey nets and a resurfacing of the ice.
  • Summer rink rental $25 per hour no access to building. 
  • Free use of the rink is permitted unless otherwise booked or closed for maintenance.
  • New boards and slab 2022
 Rental Inquiries

Tim Sutcliffe

