All open tenders will be posted here. To stay informed and to receive notifications when a new tender is released, please subscribe to this page by clicking the "Subscribe to this page button". Once subscribed, you will receive an email immediately upon the release of a new available tender.

Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to the contents on forms supplied by the Municipality will be received under the following parametres. 

For all tenders & RFP's fax tender submissions are not accepted. A virtual tender opening will be held immediately following the closing time. Documents are available in an accessible format or via appropriate communication supports upon request.

The Township of Laurentian Valley reserves the right to accept a tender or RFP that is not the lowest bid.

Group Purchasing:

The Township of Laurentian Valley intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by Local Authority Services (LAS) between January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. For further information and access to LAS request for proposal (RFP) notices, please review the website at


RFP NameDescriptionOpen DateClosingDateAttachmentsContact Information
 MM-2025-01 Internet and Telephone Voting Systems  February 26, 2025 April 22, 2025 MM-2025-01  Carmen Miller, Clerk  Township of Whitewater Region  44 Main Street Box 40, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0   Telephone: (613) 646-2282   Website: Whitewater Region