If you're thinking of starting a home-based business in Laurentian Valley, here are some items to consider.
What type of business are you proposing?
There are two types of home-based businesses:
This means a gainful occupation, service, or trade such as woodworking, welding, machine, or auto repair shop or storage, in whole or in part in a building or structure accessory to a dwelling.
This means any occupation for gain or support which is carried on as an accessory use either within a dwelling or dwelling unit, and operated by the occupants residing therein. Such home occupation uses may include a service shop, the office or consulting room of a doctor, dentist, chiropractor, drug-less practitioner etc. Please note that under certain circumstances, your property may already qualify based on your property zoning. We recommend contacting us to inquire about your zoning.
Home Industry Provisions |
3.14 Home Industry A home industry shall only be permitted in a Rural (RU) and Agriculture (A) Zone provided the following provisions are complied with:
Home Occupation Provisions |
3.15 Home Occupations A home occupation shall be permitted in any permitted residential dwelling unit provided such home occupation conforms to the following provisions:
When considering a home-based business in LV you should:
- Contact the Township at 613-735-6291 x208 and speak with the Community Development Officer. You will need to determine whether your specific property is able to accommodate the home-based business you have in mind.
- If you are making any interior changes or new construction, additional permits may be required.
- Familiarize yourself with the [Township Zoning By-Law].
What should you have prepared when speaking with the Township?
- Be prepared with as much information as possible.
- Know the location of the property you are interested in, or which you own or rent.
- Have specific details about the business you are proposing.
- Know or estimate how many employees you will have in addition to the occupants of the home.
- Are client or customers coming to your home location?
- How many off-street parking spaces do you propose or think you will need?
- Are you proposing to operate the business inside the house or dwelling unit?
- Will the business be in a separate accessory building or detached garage?
- Are you proposing to build a new build to a new building, an addition, or will there be interior renovations?
- How large of an area inside the home will the home-based business occupy?
Having this information, or as much of it as possible will help us to further determine the scope of the proposed home-business.
Additional resources
We can further connect you to other agencies and organizations that can assist you with a range of services such as business mentoring, training, and preparing your Business Plan.
Here is a list of resources. Click on their organization name to get redirected to their website.
Grants are a helpful tool to boost your business.
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