Within the Township of Laurentian, there are various groups that oversee our roads including our Public Works, the County of Renfrew, and the Ministry of Transportation. Learn more about our road services and we welcome you to use our online Report a Concern form if you see anything of concern.
Please note: No person shall park a vehicle on any part of a street, highway, or Municipal boulevard in such a manner to interfere with civic or Municipal services, such as snow plowing or the removal of snow and ice.
This is a public service program that allows residents to volunteer to pick-up litter along Municipal roads.
Load restrictions run from March 15 to May 31 but may be shortened or extended depending on the weather.
Keep up-to-date on road closures and works on roads under the jurisdiction of the Township of Laurentian Valley.
Do you have any concerns in your neighbourhood? See anything we should know about? Report a concern online so that we can address it! You can report:
- Report a pot hole
- Report a streetlight repair
- Report a fallen tree
- Report a general concern
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