We've compiled a list of most of our plans, reports, and studies in one convenient location for you to access. More information on each of these documents can be found on their respective pages. Should you require these documents in an alternative format, please contact us directly at 613-735-6291 and we would be happy to assist you.
This plan serves as a strategic, tactical, and financial document. It ensures that all municipal infrastructure is managed properly.
In this study, we learnt and better understood how to support local businesses so they can grow, create jobs and stay in our community.

When an emergency occurs in LV, the Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) gathers (is activated) to direct the response as outlined in the plan.
This document develops a five-year energy conservation and demand management plan.
An Official Plan describes Council's policies on how land within LV is to be used.
This plan is a means of establishing a road map with which to guide decision-making in LV over the next 5 years.
This report plans for the long-term financial stability of drinking water systems to guarantee safe drinking water into the future.
These reports include annual and MOE Inspection reports, an Operations and Policies and Procedures Manual.
Where urban amenities meet outdoor rural fun.
LV is home to easy comfortable living.