Pursuant to Section 122 of the Highway Traffic Act and applicable Municipal By-Laws, reduced load limits on roads throughout the Township of Laurentian Valley will be in effect commencing March 17, 2025, and extending until May 30, 2025.
Vehicle loads will be restricted to 5 tonnes per axle on those roads where signs have been erected.
A map and list of the Township of Laurentian Valley Roads subject to reduced load limits can be viewed on the Township Website at: https://www.lvtownship.ca.
Haulers should contact the appropriate road authority to determine the spring load restrictions on roads under their authority.
For further information, please contact:
Mark Behm, C. Tech. Manager of Public Works mbehm@lvtownship.ca 460 Witt Road Pembroke, ON K8A 6W5 Phone: 613-735-6291 x 216